Pétria mound


This route begins in the city centre of Fontaine-l’Evêque, along a main road. The Pétria mound, which is classified as a Natura 2000 zone, spans several hectares. You’ll discover exceptional biodiversity there. This is a real green expanse, with various ecological nooks, such as pools, ponds, dry meadows and more. The food chain is complete, from microscopic creatures in dry or wet environments, such as dragonflies and frogs, to diurnal and nocturnal raptor super-predators, such as buzzards, common kestrels, Eurasian hobbies and owls, among others. From the peak, enjoy a stunning vista over the chain of mounds.  

Walk info

On foot

Length of route 1.9km

Walk duration 45min

Difficulty : Medium

Services & facilities

  • Parking