La Grande Dérive


Following on from the Boucle Noire, the Grande Dérive is the new route devised by Micheline Dufert and Francis Pourcel for the Chemins des terrils. 

The Grande Dérive can be done over 2, 3 or 4 days through the green margins of the city, on signposted paths linking woods, public parks, slag heaps, agricultural areas and wasteland.

The whole route forms a 54km loop, which can be explored or covered in kilometres. 

The public transport network allows you to plan your stops according to the train, metro and bus lines.

Initiated by the designers of the Boucle Noire, whose relationship between the two routes is obvious, the Grande Dérive is surprising, not least because of its title. The term "dérive" is linked to the practice of urban walking, which involves choosing alternative routes, seeking out all kinds of landscapes that make up the city, and ultimately seeing the city in a different way.

Walk info

On foot

Length of route 54km

Signage :