Museums & Heritage

Exposition: "Si le cœur vous en dit. Artistes femmes au XXe siècle en Belgique"

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Exposition: "Si le cœur vous en dit. Artistes femmes au XXe siècle en Belgique"


From September 21 to February 16, the Charleroi Museum of Fine Arts will host a unique exhibition: "Si le cœur vous en dit. Women Artists in 20th Century Belgium."

This exhibition, along with the accompanying publication, aims through a selection of works, explanatory texts, mediation efforts, and scientific articles, to shed light on the conditions of artistic production (and non-production) of women in 20th-century Belgium, from education to career, and thus attempts to contribute to a still-needed rebalancing.

This exhibition not only showcases the works of women artists but also places them in context through in-depth research, exploring the creation conditions of these artists in 20th-century Belgium. It also highlights the strategies these women adopted to assert themselves in the art world of that time.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM

Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays from 10 AM to 6 PM

Visit languages

  • English

  • French

  • Dutch

For groups

Visit languages

  • French