Museums & Heritage

Chimay Princes Castle

Remember to book your activity in advance !

Chimay Princes Castle


Bring your family and friends to discover the fabulous history of Chimay Castle. Its 1,000-year history is revealed through a film presented by Stéphane Bern. This film can be discovered in the Maison des Artistes in Chimay Castle, which reveals the role played by Chimay, the Castle and its occupants in European history. Enjoy the Princes’ terrace and savour a Chimay Trappist beer during your visit. Explore the thousand-yearold Chimay Castle, via a mobile app bound to delight young and old alike. Become acquainted with the castle, its past and present occupants and get spirited away by the audiovisual show available in the Theatre setting.

Average length of visit : 1h30

Quality labels

  • 3 suns
    3 suns


Self-guided tour

Adult : 10€

Senior : 9€

Child : 8€

Guided tour




16€/Family Pass (2 adults & 2 children)

Opening hours

Visit languages

  • English

  • French

  • Dutch

Services & facilities

  • Shop


  • Disabled access


  • Article 27

For groups

Discovery of the prestigious Château de Chimay with its entrance hall, ‘Thierry Bosquet’ room, weaponry, portrait room, winter garden, theatre and chapel. In parallel, film presented by Stéphane Bern on the 1,000-year history of the Château de Chimay and its Princes.  

Until 30 people

Average length of visit : 1h30


From 250€

Visit languages

  • English

  • French

  • Dutch

Opening hours

All year round on appointement