Leisure & Outings

Adventures in a witch's laboratory – Natafée

Remember to book your activity in advance !

Adventures in a witch's laboratory – Natafée


Release your inner witch and escape to the world of Natafée. Far removed from the cliché of a villainous, wicked and evil old woman, you will learn that witches are simply individuals who love nature and are aware of the secrets of wild plants and the stories that behind them. Natafée, a storyteller and nature host, offers enchanting experiences to be enjoyed as a family. Experiment to your heart's desire, for an evening or an afternoon: wild cuisine, an evening of storytelling, poetic-medicinal herbal teas, useful and useless plant-based potions, puzzles, tests and more. For an immersive experience, come and stay for a day or two! 

Average length of visit : 2h30


From 180€

Opening hours

All year round on appointement

Visit languages

  • French

Services & facilities

  • Shower
  • Parking
  • Toilets


  • Disabled access