Walks & Hikes

Along the Sambre and Eau d’Heure rivers

Along the Sambre and Eau d’Heure rivers


The Sambre Valley offers some surprising landscapes as it meanders through locks. From Merbes-le-Château to Thuin, passing by the collegiate church of Saint-Ursmer de Lobbes and its Folcuin garden, the towpath provides a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Thuin and its UNESCO-listed Belfry will be a must-see, with the hanging gardens and boatmen’s quarter. Stop off at the Aulne Abbey, where you can sample a traditional abbey beer, before discovering Ham-sur-Heure, known like Thuin for its cult of Saint-Roch.

Walk info

On foot

Length of route 33.4km

Difficulty : Easy

Signage :